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Boxing Trainer London | England Boxing Association Coach

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20 Hazellville Rd London N19 3LP United Kingdom
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About our business
Boxing Trainer
I'm Alex Kyriacou, a certified England Boxing Association Coach specialising in boxing training in London. Come as you are, and do your finest. My training offers both technique and fitness building, targeted at helping you end up being the greatest fighter you can be. I am always working with breaking bad habits my customers have actually picked up in the process when either working with instructors that are not professionals in boxing training or have actually been usually disinformed regarding the core fundamental boxing techniques. Schedule your initial session to see how I can educate you to improve your technique, skillset, and fitness quickly from session one. You'll have the opportunity to learn about my design of training and get answers to all of your questions.
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Boxing Trainer London | England Boxing Association Coach
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Personal Trainers
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Boxing Trainer London | England Boxing Association Coach