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Create my profile now!12 Dinner Plates 24cm,
12 Hors d’oevres plates 19cm,
13 side plates 17cm, 14 Dessert bowls 16cm, 12 soup bowls 20cm, 12 Tea cups 7.5cm but 11 tea saucers, 13 coffee cups 8cm, 14 coffee saucers, 1 Teapot 15.5cm high, 1 Coffee Pot 21cm high, 2 Sugar bowls with lids, 1 milk jug, 1 Gravy boat,
2 Vegetable Turines with lids, 2 Meat platters 31cm x 21.5cm and 28cm x 19.5cm.
The following have one chip - 1 Tea saucer, 1 coffee cup, 1 dessert bowl, 1 Turine has chip on top rim, and 1 sugar bowl has a chip on rim, Gravy boat has very tiny chip in rim.
I have more pictures I can email. COLLECTION ONLY.
I’m open to a sensible offer