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About our business
A brilliant combination of a number of ancient and modern massage techniques, to stimulate key points on the surface of the skin to promote the body's natural self healing abilities; stimulated they release muscular tension which facilitates the circulation of blood and energy:
1. Light Swedish massage techniques.
2. Kneading techniques.
3. Pressure techniques.
4. Deep tissue massage techniques.
5. Hand percussion techniques.
Don't ignore simple symptoms of everyday complaints: symptoms of headache, dizziness, back pains...often considered an expression of the condition of the body as a whole. Invest in yourself :)
Selected aromatic and/or non-scented natural oils are applied during this treatment.
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Phone calls ::‪+44 7480067479
Operating hours
We're available 24/7
Services provided
Thai Massage
A brilliant combination of a number of ancient and modern massage techniques, to stimulate key points on the surface of the skin to promote the body's natural self healing abilities; stimulated they release muscular tension which facilitates the circulati
Contact boyom76110
Contact boyom76110
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