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Create my profile now!Well we kept 2 pieces back to allow it time to air dry in our workshop.
And can now offer these 2 amazing pieces for sale at a great price.
Only between 6% and 12% moisture content along each length and presenting with a graduated blue stain.
One piece is half round with holes where the iron bolts had been present holding the lock gates in place.
Approx 50mm x 190mm x 4.3m ONLY £105
Second piece is flat with with less holes present and is shorter in length.
Approx 50mm x 190mm x 3.3m ONLY £80
Both look fabulous in either their rough unworked appearance and/or once sanded and oiled or waxed.
Endless possibilities with a bit of imagination with these and they are unlikely to stay around for long.
Delivery to WN Wigan £15, (free on orders over £200 WN postcodes)
other areas on request or
Collect from:
TimberMines Ltd
Unit 2i, Cricket Street Business Park
Cricket Street
WN6 7TP.
Go through security barrier and take 1st left by the ambulances.
Please drive to the bottom and on to the yard and park up. Thanks!