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Create my profile now!Signed by Robert Williams 1977 English Artist A large oil painting Dimensions are as follows
122 cm X 6 cm X 84 cms
Robert Williams painter in oils and watercolour Robert Williams - English artist currently living in Pevensey Bay East Sussex Born in 1940 - Studied at Willesden School of Art - Worked for several years in Graphic Arts and in 1973 he opened a studio in Eastbourne selling his paintings and picture frames. In 2005 he retired from the studio and moved to SW France close to the Pyrenees. Greatly inspired by the intense light and beautiful countryside, he was able to produce enough work for two very successful solo exhibitions during the time he lived in France.He moved back to Pevensey Bay in 2013. He has sold work to private collectors in Europe and America and has had several exhibitions in England and France.